
The Secrets Of Fascia

Fascia is a structure that is becoming more and more popular in medical circles. In recent years, a lot of research has been done that explains its amazing effect on the whole body and the possibilities offered by physiotherapy focusing on this structure. So let’s have a closer look at what it is.

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First Visit At A Physiotherapist’s - What You Need To Know

The first visit is one of the most important elements of the whole therapy. In this meeting I can find out more about you, your work, hobbies, how you spend your free time, how much stress you experience in your daily life, etc. It probably won’t come as a surprise, but all of the aforementioned factors are of great importance for the physiotherapy process.

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Take Care Of Your Breath - A Few Words About The Diaphragm

The diaphragm is the main breathing muscle in our body. It is located in the liver part of the ribs and separates the abdominal abdomen from the thoracic ribcage. This amazing structure, thanks to its location and numerous anatomical and fascial connections, affects practically the entire body. This is why physiotherapists love to talk about it and work with it.


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Hernia - Is It A Sentence

“I can’t lift and play sports. I suffer from discopathy. I very often hear this statement from my patients and friends. Most often it is supported by the opinion of a doctor who (if we are lucky) will look at an MRI image and perform one or two quick functional tests before issuing it. but should they make decisions so easily and forbid patients to function normally?


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Does Your Smile Affect Your Posture?

I once wrote that there are a lot of muscles on the face, thanks to which we speak, chew, or express emotions (you can find the article here).These muscles are quite significant for a physiotherapist, because they can provoke tension that causes ailments in the head area which can also be transferred to further body parts in the form of compensation. 

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